Letter 18920131

Weldon, Iowa
January the 31 - 92
To Miss Martha L. Maitlen
Of Dunkirk, Ind.
Your of recent date was rec’d last evening & was real glad to hear from you once again. I had begun to think you had forgotten me for sure. Well I can say for my self that I am very lucky so far. I have had no effect of the Gripp so far. Sister Priscilla has been very sick for more than two weeks. Joseph Worden was sick but is now getting along very nicely. The rest of the family are all well. Brother Henry is here today. He & wife are well. I have had no recent letter from Uncle Dickson’s folks for some time. But when last heard from they were as well as usual. The relatives in Oregon are well as common. I rec’d a letter from Brother Elmer last evening. He was well. He is still in Chicago. The Arney family are all well when last heard from.
The weather here is very much like spring. The 19th of this month at 8 a.m. the mercury stood at 31 degrees below zero & the next morning at same time it was 8 above. So you see we have had some pretty large changes in the weather.
Well Martha I hardly know what to write you since I have but little to write of interest.
Don’t say any more about the apron will you.
Next time you write to me you can address to Unionville, Missouri care of G. W. Dickson Box 127. There I think that I will be after this week.
Well Martha did your pa get my shoe that I sent to him some two weeks ago. I supposed that it would be returned before this. I supposes Mr. Leitty did not like the idea of me sending it. Well I will close as this is since one year ago yesterday, one hundred & forty eight letters that I have written. The first from Ogden, Utah to Uncle George Dickson & this to you. So you see I have not been idle all the time. Give my love to all the relatives and friends & kiss all the girls. Say I wrote to that miss that you told me of but she never wrote me an answer so I did not write again you bet. Well I will close hoping to hear from you soon. I remain ever with respect your affectionate cousin,
F. O. Delk
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